03 September 2013

Silly little D,
Oh boy. Where to begin with you? Nearly everything you do is silly. The faces. The walk. The talking. You are probably the one who makes us laugh the most right now. Your current silliness is to contradict everything. "Garbage truck" Bubs, that's a big rig. "Garbage truck" Big rig, Bubs. "Garbage truck!" BIG RIG. Or "Police car" D, that is an ambulance. "Police car!" Ambulance. "Police car!" AMBULANCE! This game gets exhausting, especially because you KNOW we are trying to help you learn. How do I know this? You generally add "hot dog" to the end of every argument. "Hot dog" is from the age old argument of sausage/hot dog that we have had with you for the last several months. And today you walked around picking a fight. "Mom. Hot dog!" You silly thing.