07 January 2013

To my four silly little ones,
It has been a while since Mommy has posted. Being the OCD person that I am, I was going to wait until January 12th to start posting again. That would be exactly 6 months to the day since my last post. But if I put it off for even a day, I would forget my intentions of returning to The Sillies blog. So here we are.
J, you are four years old now. Not as silly as you use to be, though you were never really silly to begin with. You still say things occasionally that entertain us. Things that prove you are intelligent, yet still young and naive. It's fun to see you understanding more and more each day.
L, you are three years old. Still pretty silly. Mixed in with dramatic. Anyone who has seen one of your tantrums knows this. And I am sure it is amusing to others. You say things in the most adorable manner. Can't quite pronounce words. Stutter a bit when you get too excited.
D, you are almost 20 months old. That place just before two years old when the tantrums begin. And while you are our silliest at the moment, you can frustrate Mommy and Dada just as much as the big boys. You are pure trouble. The biggest mischief maker of all the kids.
N, you are nearly 8 months old already. It is amazing how quickly time has flown. You are the only girl. And teaching me that there is a big difference between boys and girls. You have "princess" personality. Want all of the attention. And get offended so easily.
My little ones, I am sorry that I have not been writing down our silly adventure for the past [almost] six months. Mommy was trying to do/be too much. But every time the opportunity and occasion arises, I will be sure to let you know just how silly you are. I love each of you so very much.