09 January 2013

Dearest silly L,
You are potty training right now. And have surprised Mommy with how well you have done. Potty training J was simple. He basically trained himself. But I knew you'd be different because you and J are polar opposites. You only had two accidents the first day. None the second. And today, the third day of potty training, was looking promising. Until we went to the credit union to deposit some monies. Since you had gone just before walking out the door, I figured we were good for about an hour or two. Mid-transaction, I heard you call out in the credit union's play area, "I pooped!". Past tense. Sigh. Fearful, I rushed over, and to my luck, it was not your usual mess. There is no other way to say this - you pooped a rock. Thankfully, mom had packed a change of underwear at the last second before leaving home. I quickly took you to the restroom and cleaned you up. So far, no accidents since. As this was the first time you have pooped since potty training began, I think that you just didn't understand what your body was saying until it was too late. No worries. I have faith that you will be fully potty trained before you are a teenager!