12 July 2012

To my silly D,
Without a doubt, you are the silliest right now. Your little sister doesn't do much yet. And your older brothers have been, well... tiring. Lots of whines and cries. Don't get me wrong. You do your fair share of upset, too. But your in-between moments are adorable. You love to help. As much as a 13 month old can help. If a door or drawer is open, you have to close it. Immediately. Even if a hand is still in said door or drawer. Get a big grin on your face once you have helped. If I say the word "shoes", you toddle over to the shoe pile as fast as you can and grab my flip flops. If you are in my closet, you grab a random pair of shoes and insist that input them on. Get a big grin on your face once the shoes are on. If your brothers let you play with the play food/kitchen items, you will find a spoon and bring it to me. And pretend to feed me. Get a big grin on your face once I pretend to eat. D, you are so cute. And at such a fun stage. I love you.